Client Testimonials

They transformed their health
and you can too

“I have begun not only LIVING again, but thriving!”

Mishan brought me BACK TO LIFE and I’m so grateful!!!

I felt so sick every day for years. I felt like I was dying actually and didn’t know why. I saw many doctors and specialists in every field. I had all sorts of labs, scans and tests with no answers. Meanwhile, I was just existing. My health was taking its toll in all areas in my life and I was tired of feeling poorly and being miserable every day.

One day a coworker asked me if I had an Integrative Health Practitioner. I had no idea what that was, but I called Mishan to check out what her approach would be. After seeing so many doctors and having so many tests to no avail, I had lost faith in professionals and found myself skeptical.

Mishan immediately made me feel comfortable sharing every detail of my health with her and I quickly became confident that she knows what she’s doing.  After our first session, Mishan created a customized and comprehensive plan for me that was palatable and easy for me to integrate.

Once I started making the changes she recommended, I started to feel better within mere days! I couldn’t believe it! For many years, no one could put their finger on what was going on, and Mishan was able to pinpoint all the elements very quickly. As I felt better, I realized just how much of my life I was relinquishing by not making my health a priority.

Mishan has been with me through my entire journey back to wellness. She has been so patient with me, explaining and re-explaining things until I understood them and why they were important. Her kindness and support kept me going. Her education, passion and encouragement inspired me to make the needed changes and to continue. If one food or exercise didn’t work for me, she helped me figure out what does.

Very quickly I noticed that I have begun not only LIVING again, but Thriving! I credit this to Mishan! Her expertise in discovering the areas I needed help with, her patience and kindness in creating a living plan for me, helped me turn things around one by one. Not turning things around, but turning my LIFE around and reclaiming my health!

I feel GREAT and enthusiastic just about every single day!

It is difficult to articulate the profound effect Mishan has had on my life. She brought me back to LIFE really, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to her.

Diane S.

“I feel so much lighter, agile, and healthier.”

I have had the pleasure of working with Mishan, and I must say that it was a truly transformative experience. From the moment we started working together, I felt completely supported and empowered to take charge of my health and wellbeing.

Thanks to her expert guidance and support, I have seen significant improvements in my sleep quality, energy levels, weight, and digestion system. I no longer suffer from heartburn or eczema on my skin, and I feel so much lighter, agile, and healthier.

What I appreciated most about working with Mishan was her personalized approach. She took the time to understand my unique needs and challenges, and she tailored her recommendations accordingly. Her compassion, expertise, and dedication were evident in everything she did, and I am so grateful for all that she has done for me.

I would highly recommend Mishan to anyone looking for a health coach who truly cares about their clients and is passionate about helping them achieve their health goals. .

Thank you, Mishan, for all that you have done for me. You have truly changed my life!

Mike T.

“I was so relieved that my bloating and pain disappeared.”‘

I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for Mishan’s help and support during our health coaching time. I had been struggling with stomach problems for a long time, with stomach pain, reflux, bloating, inflammation. I was getting worse and worse, to the point where I couldn’t even drink water without my stomach reacting. The doctors gave me the same treatments but nothing worked and I felt completely discouraged and afraid that I would never be able to regain my health.

When I met Mishan, I felt hope and support. As soon as we began healing my gut, the results seemed magical. I was so relieved that my bloating and pain disappeared. Now I can eat everything! I feel stronger and have more energy. I also feel better mentally and I feel positive about my future. Mishan made me feel comfortable and safe, and she helped me understand my body and my nutritional needs. Thanks to Mishan’s help, I have been able to regain my health, something that seemed impossible in conventional medicine. I am so happy with the results that I have achieved!

Susana B.

“I was so shocked that my LDL cholesterol went down from 183 to 94.”

I’m personally so excited to share my testimonial.

I had high cholesterol and I was overweight by 15-20 lbs.  Being 44 years old, I had convinced myself that due to my age, it’s very normal to not be able to lose weight, despite doing long fasting or intermittent fasting and a keto diet for almost 2 years.  My previous keto diet initially helped me lose weight  but after 6 months it stopped working and I gained even more weight than I ever had.  I became hopeless and I had low energy because of fasting and no matter what I did, I wasn’t able to lose the extra 20 lbs I wanted to lose. I even tried fat burner pills that made my stomach upset or my hands jittery and gave me anxiety.

When I met Mishan, I thought I would give it a shot as the last resort.

I knew Mishan’s main focus was to fix my health holistically and not just focus solely on my weight issue.  I remember the moment we were having our first session, she told me “You need to eat more to lose weight!” and I was like “What!?!”  I was so surprised and thought that can’t be true !  I never expected that to be actually true.

At the beginning of my journey Mishan made me an amazing Personal Wellness Plan that was customized to my needs and it was beautifully designed and so complete with specific details for my nutrition, fitness, sleep, supplements, and self care.  A month later when we got my functional lab results, we began a specific plan to fix my gut issues.

Two and half months later, I had lost 18 lbs and I looked leaner and in shape.  It’s like I got 10 years younger!  When we reviewed my new blood tests, I was so shocked that my high LDL cholesterol went down amazingly from 183 to 94 in just two months and my liver enzymes were back to normal.

Mishan saved me so much money too, by teaching me what products to buy or that I no longer needed to waste money on products that are not what they claim or not good quality.

Mishan is so kind and passionate about functional medicine and about her clients achieving results.  She goes above and beyond to help them live their best life.  I can’t express how grateful I am for her support to help me gain back my health and confidence and forever she changed my life for the better.

Remi Z.

“This decision was one of the best ones I have made in my life.”
Before I met Mishan, I thought I was feeling “pretty good.” That’s why I was a little shocked when I went to my doctor for regular blood work and found out that my glucose, cholesterol, and thyroid numbers were all high. I did not understand why these were so high because I was eating healthy and I had many practices to take care of myself. But I’m the kind of person who finds solutions and gets to work immediately whenever there is a problem, so I decided to work with Mishan and figure out how to get myself really healthy on the inside. I told her that my goal was to see RESULTS. I wanted to see all my numbers back to normal and I wanted a clear plan and timeline.

The results were unbelievable. In 5 months my hemoglobin A1c went from 6.3 to 5.6. My LDL went from 160 to 96. All my cholesterol numbers improved. My TSH went from very high levels, down by nearly half.

My labs were great, but the results that I personally experienced were life-changing. My sleep got deeper and more restful. I had so much more energy and focus. My belly was flat and I loved how I felt in my clothes. With Mishan’s help, I got back into an exercise routine that I was missing for years.

I learned so much about my health from Mishan. What surprised me was that she wanted to me eat more than I was eating, because I had skipped breakfast for years. I had a hard time imagining how eating more would help my high glucose level. But we came up with the right light breakfast that worked for my busy work schedule and I feel so good with my new eating habits. I feel light and energetic. I now have all the knowledge to keep myself healthy for life.

I have to say, making changes is not easy. This path requires you to believe in the process and believe in holistic healing. As an older adult, we’ve had years of habits that are hard to break. But I was open-minded and motivated and I put all my trust in Mishan because I knew she was taking care of me completely. She always tells me that I healed myself because I did the work and followed her guidance. I feel like I’ve done the best thing for my body and my future health. This decision was one of the best ones I have made in my life. I feel great and people around me see it too. So, thank you, Mishan for your knowledge, guidance, honesty, integrity, and care!  I am so pleased with the results I am seeing everyday!

Shoreh M.

“It dramatically improved my overall health.”

I wanted to share the incredible experience and remarkable improvements in my health since I began working with Mishan. Based on my lab results, I chose to do a gut healing protocol to help balance my gut microbiome. This decision proved to be life-changing, as it dramatically improved my overall health.

I can now effectively manage my stress and anxiety, resulting in a more balanced and relaxed state of mind. I used to struggle with getting a good night’s sleep, but Mishan’s recommendations have led to better sleep quality, leaving me feeling more rested and refreshed. I’ve also been able to alleviate my chronic back pain, which motivated me to maintain a consistent exercise routine, which further contributed to my improved physical health. Mishan’s approach is comprehensive and transformative. She genuinely cares about helping her clients address the root causes of their health challenges.

Mojgan P.

“I have felt incredible.  My period is completely normal to the day.”

As a young woman in her early 20s, I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian disease). At the time of my diagnosis, I was struggling with terrible hormonal acne, awful cramps during my menstrual cycle and during ovulation, incredibly irregular periods (so irregular I could not even track them), irritation in my gut, and more. When I sought help from my GP, I was told that going on birth control was my only option to help stop these symptoms and help control my PCOS from getting out of control so I could hopefully not have trouble having children in the future if I chose to do so. Due to personal worries around birth control and my emotional health, I was uninterested in taking this route.

I turned to Mishan for help because she was truly the only person I trusted to help me in this confusing process. When we began working together, the experience exceeded anything I could have expected. Instead of masking the problem, Mishan has helped me heal from within.

Our first session was an in-depth, detailed consultation about ALL of my lifelong experiences that could be affecting my health as it was. With Mishan taking into consideration what I wanted out of this experience, we decided on the best lab tests that would give us the deeper answers she was suspecting. She was completely correct. She helped me understand the connection between my gut and my hormonal imbalances. We began a three month journey to completely reset my gut and support my hormonal recovery.

In the time that I finished my gut healing and continued to nourish my gut microbiome, I have felt incredible. My period is COMPLETELY normal to the DAY. I have never experienced this in my life. My PMS symptoms are much better, I see improvements in my skin, my energy levels are better, and I feel healthier and lighter after properly nourishing my body and resetting my gut.

I am so grateful to Mishan for helping me improve my health for the better.

Work with her!

Noël D.

“My sleep quality has dramatically improved.”

I am delighted to share my transformative experience with Mishan, whose guidance has significantly improved both my sleep quality and lowered my cholesterol levels. Mishan’s unique approach to health goes beyond conventional methods, focusing on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues. Through her coaching, I have gained a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between sleep, lifestyle, and cholesterol levels. With Mishan’s guidance, I have implemented personalized lifestyle modifications, incorporating evidence-based techniques, dietary adjustments, and stress management strategies.

The results have been astounding. My sleep quality has dramatically improved, allowing me to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Furthermore, my cholesterol levels have seen a remarkable reduction, instilling a sense of confidence and well-being. Mishan’s expertise, tailored support, and comprehensive program have been invaluable on my journey toward optimal health. I wholeheartedly recommend Mishan to anyone seeking a holistic and effective approach to improving sleep and lowering cholesterol levels.

Audrey N.

“I finally had good bowel movements and my psoriasis diminished.”

Truly a transformative health journey. Before working with Mishan, my body was giving me signs that something didn’t feel right. I had muscle tension, chronic constipation, joint pain, psoriasis, and fatigue. When we reviewed my labs, it was both overwhelming and enlightening because I was able to see why I felt so bad. I had previously thought each one of my symptoms required a medical specialist to diagnose and treat me. But Mishan helped me see how so many things I was experiencing were connected. I knew it would require a sincere dedication on my part to recover from everything I was experiencing but I was fully committed to my health. Mishan is so knowledgeable, patient and kind. She helped me release a lot of previous beliefs and adopt new ways to see how to let my body heal itself.

Through my gut healing protocol, I slowly saw changes that I didn’t think could happen – I was no longer constipated, I finally had good bowel movements, and my psoriasis diminished significantly. I feel much more energized and so much healthier. I am glowing and vibrant and feel like myself again. As a full-time professional with my own practice and full-time mom with a family to care for, Mishan helped me figure out how to make everything work in a practical way, with my schedule and life demands. I built habits for eating, exercising, self care, and more, and now I’m empowered to support my body moving forward. Thank you for the metamorphosis and new life path!!

Amy K.

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