broccoli salad recipe, pieces of green broccoli covered with roasted seeds and white feta cheese, in a white bowl
broccoli salad recipe, pieces of green broccoli covered with roasted seeds and white feta cheese, in a white bowl
broccoli salad recipe, pieces of green broccoli covered with roasted seeds and white feta cheese, in a white bowl

Broccoli Salad

Oh, poor broccoli. Nobody likes how you smell when you’re cooked. Here, let me help you…

Cook the broccoli people! And then open the window. You’ll survive. (Although, if you cook these in an office microwave, no one will survive.)

But don’t miss out on broccoli because of a temporary smell set back. There might not be a bigger hitter than broccoli when it comes to disease prevention. If you can include this daily or at least a few times a week, you will help prevent cardiovascular disease and help balance your microbiome.

The only thing is that you get more benefits when you cook it. There could not be a faster, easier way than just simple steaming. But for goodness sake, don’t stop there. Whenever I hear people say “steamed broccoli is so boring” I think, hmm, they’ve just revealed that they’re not a great cook. Anything will taste dull without dressings and more.


  • a large head of broccoli
  • 1 cup of garbanzo beans (or any bean you like)
  • sprinkle of roasted seeds
  • sprinkle of hemp hearts
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Himalayan salt
  • pepper
  • goat or sheep feta (optional)


  1. Wash broccoli, cut off stems (or keep them, up to you), cut into small bite sized pieces.
  2. Steam for a few minutes until it becomes a little softer and greener.
  3. Plate it, add the beans, seeds, and hearts.
  4. Drizzle olive oil.
  5. Salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Sprinkle feta.

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