chia pudding, clear glass mason jar filled with small black chia seeds in white milk, topped with cut red strawberries
chia pudding, clear glass mason jar filled with small black chia seeds in white milk, topped with cut red strawberries
chia pudding, clear glass mason jar filled with small black chia seeds in white milk, topped with cut red strawberries

Chia Pudding

Chia seeds have the perfect combination of healthy fats, protein, and fiber.  They are high in omega-3 fatty acids, but particularly alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which must still be converted in our body into the functional forms of essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. 

Two tablespoons of these magic seeds have 8 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber. So in my book, that makes them a superfood. The fiber slows down the absorption of the carb content and makes this a great longer lasting fuel source.

I like to make this at night because it takes literally 2 minutes!  Keep it in the fridge overnight and breakfast is that easy.  The frozen fruit has defrosted nicely by then and I fully admit that this is much better with one tbsp of raw honey.  My personal favorite fruit to use in this is raspberry.  You can’t do better than this high protein, high fiber, omega-3-rich breakfast to fuel you up for a very productive morning.


  • 4 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 cup unsweetened nut or oat milk
  • 1 tbsp coconut milk (optional)
  • few drops vanilla extract (optional)
  • frozen fruit (ideally berries)


  1. Put everything except the frozen fruit in a glass container and mix well with a fork.
  2. Let the chia seeds swell up and absorb all the milk (at least 30 min).
  3. Add the frozen fruit on top.
  4. Put lid on and store in fridge overnight or at least a couple hours.
  5. Chia seeds will swell with the liquid and form a “pudding.”
  6. Mix it all well to break up any clumping seeds.

If I make this in the morning, I let the chia seeds plump while I walk, exercise, shower, whatever (it needs about 30 min to become a pudding), and in the meantime I’ll warm up berries so I have a warm version of this pudding. If you have a bigger family, you can make a much larger batch of the pudding that will last a few days.

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