white ceramic bowl filled with tan cooked oatmeal and milk and topped with chunks of fresh pink peaches
white ceramic bowl filled with tan cooked oatmeal and milk and topped with chunks of fresh pink peaches
white ceramic bowl filled with tan cooked oatmeal and milk and topped with chunks of fresh pink peaches

Steel Cut Oatmeal

When you hear popular media or even doctors saying oatmeal is a processed food full of refined carbs that quickly turn into sugar in your body, they are talking about rolled oats, instant oats, old-fashioned oats, or quick oats.  All these forms of oatmeal are processed and will all instantly convert into sugar and cause a glucose and insulin spike, which you do not want.

What you do want is the benefits of a whole grain that has a lot of fiber and a very slow release of the carb content.  That’s why you want to choose oat groats (the original whole intact grain, which is naturally gluten-free) or steel cut oats, which is simply the whole oat grain that’s been cut a couple times in a steel mill.  I would always choose the oat groat if you can find them in the bulk section of your grocery store.  If not, the next best option are steel cut oats.  When soaked and cooked properly, oatmeal is a very easily digested food.  So you don’t sap energy trying to break it down, and instead you get a nicely sustained energy supply for a productive morning.

I hope you like cinnamon because it’s not in this recipe just for fun.  Cinnamon has the ability to lower blood glucose, which makes it an excellent addition anytime you’re consuming carbs.


  • 1 cup organic whole oat groats or steel cut oats
  • 2 cups filtered water


  1. Soak oats in filtered water overnight.
  2. Drain and rinse well.
  3. Cook with the 2 cups of water in Instant Pot (porridge setting) or on the stovetop (1 hour).
  4. Store in glass container in the fridge to last one week.
  5. Reheat with some nut or oat milk.
  6. Sprinkle cinnamon.
  7. Top with one cut fruit.
  8. Add 1 tbsp maple syrup or raw honey.

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