turnip honey, pink and white oval turnip root with center cut out and filled with honey
turnip honey, pink and white oval turnip root with center cut out and filled with honey
turnip honey, pink and white oval turnip root with center cut out and filled with honey

Turnip Honey

This turnip honey is a potent vitamin-powered elixir that you can use whenever you feel a cold coming on.  Turnips are very high in vitamin C and raw honey is full of microbe-fighthing nutrients.  The honey and what’s still in the turnip can be used with any hot liquid (tea, water) as a decongestant and cough suppresssant anytime you’re sick.

I love making a hot ginger lemon tea if I feel the slightest sign of being under the weather.  Simply pour hot water over a couple slices of fresh ginger, squeeze lemon or lime juice, and then add the turnip honey.  You actually don’t need to feel down to enjoy the benefits of this healing concoction!


  • 1 turnip
  • raw organic honey


  1. Wash and clean the turnip.
  2. Cut off the top and keep it as a lid.
  3. With a serrated spoon or small knife, scoop out most of the inside flesh, leaving ¼ inch thickness all around.
  4. Place turnip in a glass container so that it can stay upright.
  5. Fill it with honey and put the top back on to cover the honey.
  6. Keep overnight at room temp or in the fridge.
  7. The honey will seep out of the turnip and into the container.
  8. You can make a couple of these turnip bowls at a time.

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